Saturday, June 9, 2012


12. Herausforderung die (challenge): realizing you over-involved yourself while studying abroad and trying to find a solution to get everything done

Thanks to overdoing it, I have been stuck inside my room for the past few days trying to catch up on work. Five research papers, daily readings, and three final exams is a little too much for me and I have never felt so overwhelmed in my life. The thing that really stinks is that my home University does not allow me to pass/fail the classes I take here, something that the majority of the other students are allowed to do. And most students are also taking easier, less demanding classes than me, and they are also not doing as much as I am outside the classroom. So yes, I am overwhelmed with work, when my roommate is traveling in Paris and friends are going out. Boohoo.

And the noise outside my window does not make matters any better. Tonight, Germany played against Portugal. Statistics showed Portugal at an advantage, but around 10:45 tonight, Germany shook (or at least, outside my room). Without even walking toward my window, I heard people screaming and chanting “Deutschland,” car horns going absolutely wild, fireworks exploding, and that super crazy vuvuzela horn piercing the air. I didn’t need to turn on the tv to see what happened, I knew that Germany defeated Portugal 1-0! Unbelievable.

Germany definitely met their challenge and beat Portugal. Now I have my own challenge that I must defeat- getting everything done.

Well, back to work. On Wednesday, Germany plays the Netherlands, so I will definitely take time off to watch that. Observing Germans watching Football is more educational than writing papers anyways…right?

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