Sunday, July 22, 2012


16. Erderwärmung die [global warming]: the reason why there is such a drastic difference between the weather in Germany and the US; it's real, people, and this strange weather is proof!

Wörlitzer Park in E. Germany
Last week, my advisor told me how ridiculous it is that Germans always talk about the weather. He is German himself, but he still finds it amusing that when he talks to his father on the phone and if there's a dull moment, they will simply talk about the weather. That is so true!

Playing with some ducks in the rain!
But weather has definitely been a topic in both Germany and the US. I watch NBC's Nightly News and  German's news from ZDF as a podcast every morning as I get ready, and the weather has been quite prominent for both. It is so strange to think how dry and hot the weather is in Wisconsin right now, when the weather here is cool and wet.

I do not exaggerate when I say that for the past four months, it has rained pretty much every single day. There are sometimes random spurts of hot, sunny days, but I cannot remember last the real hot day Freiburg has had. I bought a umbrella and it is vital that I take it with me everywhere I go.
Rainy day at the Mercedes-Benz Museum 

And for the past few weeks, I have worn long pants and long sleeve shirts everyday. I even took out my warmer pajamas and wear socks in bed!

Parents at Titisee when they visited

When my parents came to visit, we traveled to Titisee, which is a beautiful lake that's a part of the Black Forest, about 40 minutes by train from Freiburg. Unfortunately, it poured then, so we couldn't see much. Well, this past Friday I revisited Titisee with a friend of mine and it also started to rain. This time, I didn't let the rain stop me from exploring the area. My friend and I took a long hike around the lake and it was absolutely breathtaking, despite the c-c-cold and wet weather.

My last week in Freiburg is finally here. The weather channel says sunny and 80s. I am praying that they are right, because I have a long list of things to do still...

The Black Forest is Beautiful- Rain or Shine

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