Tuesday, July 24, 2012


17. Stadtbummel der [no direct translation]: a wonderful German word, meaning to stroll the streets of a city; one of my favorite things to do now; something that I have done in many places in the past few months.

Some Black Forest hiking
This blog post is dedicated to briefly write about all of my travels that I have neglected up until now. I haven't even completely written about my week-long Pentecost break when my parents visited me, so I believe that is a great place to start.

Freiburg Stadtbummeln
When I was planning out a blog post for my parent's visit, the word I was thinking of was "Invasion," or "Überfall." Having my parent's visit was a great change of pace and it was of course so great to see them again. But it was also a little strange. I created a system in Freiburg. I was basically alone. On my own. Independent. Self-reliant. And then my parents came and tore it all up.

Well, not exactly, but that's what I feared would happen when they visited. For the first few days, I showed my parents Freiburg, my living place, where I take my classes, where I get food, etc. My Mom studied abroad in Freiburg also (back in the stone age), so it was fun for us to compare our lifestyles in Freiburg and it was also fun to be my Dad's second German translator. When my break began, the traveling also began.

We first went to Hamburg, way up in northern Germany. There we met up with some relatives and we toured the town for a few days. I absolutely fell in love with the city, since it reminded me a lot of Boston. The city has a beautiful harbor and a beautiful inner city with lots of shopping. Although it is one of Germany's biggest cities, Hamburg has lots of parks and water, so it doesn't have the stressful, overwhelmingly huge feel of a typical American city. Hamburg is where my mom immigrated from Germany to the US when she was little. At the Immigration Museum there, we were able to find her name and boat!
Hamburg's Ballinstadt-The Immigration Museum

We then met friends of the family who live in East Germany in a cute little town called Oranienbaum. I visited the family during my Easter break, but it was great to see them again with my parents. We visited, toured the city, walked through the beautiful baroque Wörlitzer Park, and traveled to Magdeburg for a day. Magdeburg has a beautiful gothic cathedral and we spent hours inside in awe.

The last few days my parents visited, we stayed in Freiburg, trying to be as typical stereotypical German as possible. I showed my parents the place with the best Schnitzel in town (it has over 50 versions of Schnitzel to choose from!) and we definitely had our share of German cakes and coffees and Gelato! It was hard to say goodbye, but I knew that I would see my parents in a little over two months.

That is all for now. I will continue my "Stadtbummeln" stories later, but my Hausarbeits (papers) are calling my name...


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